This past Earth Day weekend, the Social Justice Council hosted coffee and donuts using a non-Styrofoam recyclable cup. Our basic objectives were to 1) educate the parish about the effects of Styrofoam, 2) determine if the parish supports replacing Styrofoam, and 3) ascertain if our "suggested cup" met the expectations of coffee drinkers. Also, informational tent cards were placed on each table. In addition, Mrs. Teigen's fifth graders created six poster board displays (in addition to two banners) sharing what they learned about Styrofoam. The information shared was substantial and from different perspectives.
Surveys were placed on each table with three simple questions: 1) Do you support the SJC in replacing Styrofoam cups? 2) Does the cup used today meet your needs? And, 3) Any other comments? Eighty-seven surveys were collected and the results were overwhelmingly positive (85 of 87). We would like to highlight some of the responses:
We would also like to publicly thank Ms. Teigen's fifth graders for their thoughtful and informative displays. ~St. Odilia Social Justice Council
Catholic Spirit
US Catholic - Peace & Justice section
Catholic News Agency - Catholic Social Teaching section
Catholic News Agency - Social Justice section
America Magazine - Catholic Social Teaching section
Facebook: Vatican News, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Twitter: @Pontifex, @USCCB, @ArchbishopHebda, @ArchdioceseSPM
Catholic Social Teaching Themes from USCCB
Catholic Charities of St. Paul and Minneapolis
Minnesota Catholic Conference - Catholic Advocacy Network
Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota (MCRF) - emergency relief fund designed to meet the urgent needs of our Catholic community.
Justice for Immigrants (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)
One Body - Immigrant Families and the Catholic Church in Minnesota
(* denotes printed in past bulletin)
Past Parish programs include:
8-week Faith and Racial Healing Programs (Winter 2021, Summer 2021)
8-week Faith and Racial Justice Program (Winter 2022)
Voting and Values Webinar (Fall 2020)
Implicit Bias Workshop (Fall 2020)
Immigration Panels (Fall 2019)
Recycling containers
For more information, contact the Parish Office 651-484-6681.
The dominion granted to man by the Creator is not an absolute power, nor can one speak of a freedom to "use and misuse," or to dispose of things as one pleases. The limitation imposed from the beginning by the Creator himself and expressed symbolically by the prohibition not to "eat of the fruit of the tree" (cf. Gen 2:16-17) shows clearly enough that, when it comes to the natural world, we are subject not only to biological laws but also to moral ones, which cannot be violated with impunity. A true concept of development cannot ignore the use of the elements of nature, the renewability of resources and the consequences of haphazard industrialization - three considerations which alert our consciences to the moral dimension of development. (St. John Paul II, On Social Concerns[Sollicitudo rei Socialis], no. 34)
We human beings are not only the beneficiaries but also the stewards of other creatures. Thanks to our bodies, God has joined us so closely to the world around us that we can feel the desertification of the soil almost as a physical ailment, and the extinction of a species as a painful disfigurement. Let us not leave in our wake a swath of destruction and death which will affect our own lives and those of future generations. (Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel [Evangelii Guadium], no. 215)
Laudato Si (Papal Encyclical 2015)
Laudato Si Prayer Book
Creation Mysteries of the Rosary
Care for Creation Resources
If you are interested in doing more to promote the Care for Creation at St. Odilia, please email Blaine Mably at [email protected]
"We need to participate for the common good. Sometimes we hear: a good Catholic is not interested in politics. This is not true: good Catholics immerse themselves in politics by offering the best of themselves so that the leader can govern." ~ Pope Francis, 9/16/13
Faithful Citizenship Document (with new 2020 Introductory Letter)
Civilize It Pledge
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Website
The documents below are part of a summary of the US bishops’ reflection, Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, which complements the teaching of bishops in dioceses and states:
Part I of II: Our Call as Catholic Citizen
Part II of II: Making Moral Choices and Applying Our Principles
How to Contact Your Elected Officials Bulletin Insert - Who to contact
Conscience Formation Bulletin Insert (Civilize It)